Mr S. Connington- “I had a lot of stuff in my flat and was dreading the move, but Best Man and Van made it easy. In less than 3 hours they had it all loaded and ready to go to my new place. Fantastic!”
Mrs A. Timson- “I don`t know how many companies I`d tried before finding Best Man and Van. The prices were exactly in my budget, and they were quick and efficient all the way through.”
Ms H. Caldwell- “My office was full to bursting with PCs, printers and everything else; but in just 2 days the guys from Best Man and Van had it cleared and shifted. Couldn`t recommend them any more highly!”
Mr R. Newbould- “Best Man and Van managed to store every item from my flat in just one storage container, and the price for a month`s storage was spot on. Highly recommended.”